Tuesday, May 13, 2014

American Center-Sri Lanka Photo Contest for school children between 12-18 years

American Center Sri Lanka Photo Contest 2014

American Center Photo Contest 2014
for school children between 12-18 years of age.

Photo Contest
Theme: “Beauty and Serenity of Nature”

Closing Date – July 03,2014

Age categories:
12-14 years
15-16 years and
17-18 years

For More information Call 011-2498146 or  011-2498169

Both electronic and hard copies of photographs will be accepted. Along with the photograph, entries must include a brief explanation of the subject and why it was selected.
Send your photos along with the coupon given in Junior Observer of the Sunday Observer with your details certified by your school principal or the class teacher to the American Center.

Photographs sending through email must include your Name, Age, Contact Details, School and Name of the School Principal.

American Center

44, Galle Road

Colombo 3

Email: amcentersl@state.gov

Tel: 2498146, 2498169

Rules, conditions and more details available in Sunday Observer and https://lk.usembassy.gov/

Winners of first, second and third place photographs under each age category will receive a certificate, a collection of American literature, and a lifetime membership to the American Center Library. Winners will be invited to attend an award ceremony
at the American Center in Colombo.

Convey this message to your Brothers & Sisters!

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