Saturday, August 20, 2016

2016 Grade Five Scholarship Exam Details

2016 Grade Five Scholarship Exam Details
2016 Grade Five / Year 5 Scholarship Exam (5 Shreniya Shishyathwa Wibagayaශිෂ්‍යත්ව විභාගය ) commence tomorrow August 21. 
Good Luck Students !
Sri Lanka Department of Examinations has drawn attention of the students who will face the Grade 5 scholarship examination and their parents on several important matters.

Examination is scheduled to start at 9.30 a.m. Commissioner General of Examinations Jayantha Pushpakumara says therefore it is important all candidates being present at the examination centers at least by 9.00 a.m.

The first paper will be held from 9.30 to 10.15 am while the 2nd paper is scheduled to be held from 10.45 am to 12 noon.

Pen or pencil can be used to answer the question papers.

The Index Number should be pinned on the upper left of the candidate's clothes. Furthermore it is important to write the index number correctly at the space given on 1st and 3rd pages of every question paper.
The Exams' Chief also emphasizes that every candidate should properly read the instructions given in the question paper before answering it.
Meanwhile, parents will not be allowed to enter the examination centers. They will not be permitted to enter the premises even during the interval. The Commissioner General of Examinations informs the parents to only give a short eat and a water bottle to their children.
Nearly 360,000 candidates will sit for the Grade Five scholarship examination at 2959 centers throughout the island tomorrow (August 21). Out of them 421 are children with special needs. A staff of 28,000 has been deployed for administrative activities while a separate of officials have also been dispatched to monitor the exam.
Call 1911 for Exam related inquires or complaints. 

  • Exam Results will be released September End or early October*.
  • Last year, Pass Marks Sinhala Medium 160, Tamil medium 154
  • 2016 Pass Marks 161 ? *
  • Cut Off Marks for Popular School will be release December*
  • 2016 Paper can be printed only after a certain date given by the Examination Commissioner.
  • 2017 Grade 5 Scholarship Exam will be held August 20, 2017*
  • * Forecast Data

"Lanka University News" Predicts Grade 5 Scholarship Exam Results will be released September End or early October. Stay with us.

Department of Examinations website for online results and

Your Children May be you pass, may be disqualified, Dont Worry. Dont blame him/her. 
Give courage to him/her to continue for future studies.

We, "Lanka University News", 
Warmly Wishes, Good Luck for All the Students sitting Grade 5 Scholarship Examinations in 2016!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mama physical disability walin apply kale. campus sillect da kiyala balanne kohomada?


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