Hand for Achala, Justice for Negligence!
අචලාගේ අහිමි වූ වම් අත නැවත ලබා ගැනීම
සඳහා අපිත් පුංචි හෝ දායකත්වයක් ලබා දෙමු ....
The Law Faculty student Achala Priyadarshani (24) was admitted to the
Matara Hospital on January 17 with fracture injuries in her left hand, after
falling down a flight of stairs at her home Urubokka.
There her hand was bandaged and when she
informed hospital staff of continues pain they had injected her with the pain
killer ‘Pethidine’.
However, as her condition worsened she was transferred to the Karapitiya Hospital and again to the Colombo National Hospital for further treatment.
Upon being admitted to the Colombo National
Hospital, doctors had diagnosed that the only way to treat her at the current
condition was to amputate the hand and they had proceeded to do so.
Health Minister Maithripala Sirisena had
visited the Colombo national Hospital this morning to look into her condition.
She had then related the entire incident to the Minister.
The minister had assured that immediate
action would be taken to punish those found responsible.
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